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January 18 - 29, 2021

The Directors Project: Directorial Timeline


A Family Affair: Lineage and Inheritance


This project began by asking the question: where do we come from? Or, more specifically:

whom do we come from? 


With the generous help of the Alma Mater Society Archives assistant, Lauren Moberg, we screened hundreds of archival documents in search for names. Out of this, we were able to  create a master timeline of Art Committee members/Directors from 1948 to 2021 (below). I began to think of these names as our “family tree”.


How has the labour and experience of those who came before us become our inheritance? How did we go from a committee of 8+ people to only a team of two running the space and multimillion dollar art collection?



Art Gallery Committee Members/Commissioners and Timeline


Early History:

1948: Professor Hunter Lewis (English department) and AMS VP Ron Longstaffe were involved in purchasing the first piece in the Brock Hall Art Collection (Abandoned Village by E.J. Hughes)


1955-1958: First committee to oversee the collection: Professor B.C. Binnings (Fine Arts department), AMS VP Ron Longstaffe, Anthony Emery, Gerry Hodge

Briefly known as Canadian Art Committee, then Brock Hall Art Committee


1958: Brock Hall Art Committee formalized

B.C. Binnings as permanent chairperson (until he retired in 1968), with 1-2 faculty members as advisors, 4 students as voting members, and a Student Council representative


Committee History:



Canadian Art Committee (Brock Hall Collection)

Professor B.C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Professor Hunter Lewis

Ron Longstaffe (AMS Vice-President)

Gerry Hodge

Anthony Emery



Canadian Art Committee (Brock Hall Collection)

Professor B.C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Professor Hunter Lewis

Ron Longstaffe

Gerry Hodge



Brock Hall Art Committee

Professor B. C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Professor Ian McNairn (Fine Arts Department) (Faculty Administrator)

Professor Hunter Lewis

John C. Williams (Commerce)

Desmond Fitz-Gerald (Arts)

Ian MacIntosh (Education)

Leo Ehling (Architecture)

Bryan Williams (“Ex-Officio”)



Brock Hall Art Committee

Professor B. C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Caroline Purves (Arts)

Gail McIntyre (Arts)

Desmond Fitz-Gerald (Arts)

Dan Lazosky (Architecture) 



Brock Hall Art Committee

Professor B. C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Bob Sherrin

Peter Blair

Donald Kirk

Pamela Hawthorn



Brock Hall Art Committee

Professor B. C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Robert Young (Arts)

Norman Pearson (Arts)

Pamela Hawthorn (Arts)

Gillian Edgell (Arts)



Brock Hall Art Committee

Professor B. C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Carolyn Wright (Arts)

George Peter (Arts)

Morgan Kreutzweiser (Arts)

Roger Foord (Architecture)



Brock Hall Art Committee

Professor B. C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Professor Ian McNairn (Fine Arts Department) (Chairperson)




Brock Hall Art Committee

Professor B. C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Alvin Balkind (Curator, Fine Arts Gallery) (Faculty Administrator)

Jack Darcus

Jack Horn

Alan Bell

Laurence Redpath

Scott McIntyre (Arts)

Chris Kenwood (Arts)

George Peters



Brock Hall Art Committee

Professor B. C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Jack Darcus

Alan Bell

Scott McIntyre

Hans-Christian Behm

Roger Foord

Rob Roy

Steve Whitelaw

Alvin Balkind (Curator, Fine Arts Gallery) (Faculty Administrator)



Brock Hall Art Committee

Professor B. C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Dianne Marcus

John Stocking

Robert Kanee

Frances Robinson

Peter Cameron

Alan Bell



Brock Hall Art Committee

Professor B. C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Geraldine Barnes (Secretary) 

Eric Peterson

Ian Wallace

Robert Kanee

Tom Burrows

Ruth Weinstein

Lorna Luttin



Brock Hall Art Committee

Professor B. C. Binnings (Chairperson)

Alvin Balkind (Curator, Fine Arts Gallery)

Mary Bryce (Secretary)

Jeffrey Wall

Dennis Wheeler

James Shearer

Maureen Morris

Brigitte Freybe

Robert Wishlaw

Fred Cawsey

Leonard Brett

David Hoye

Jim Lightfoot

David Looper [spelling? Name is handwritten]

Fred Flores 



Brock Hall Art Committee

George Rosenberg (Chairperson, new head of Fine Arts Department)

Alvin Balkind (Curator, Fine Arts Gallery)

Mary Bryce (Secretary)

Illyas Pagonis (Curator)

Christos Dikeakos (Assistant Curator)

Randy Arber (Secretary/Treasurer)

David Bellman

Richard Collier

Linda Collins

Charles Hulton

Tom Morton

Allan Watchorn

Penny Parks

Bob Lamb

Linda Ellstrom

Suss Juelsberg

Jim Moodie

Linda Walman

Robert MacLachlar

Del Ottem

Ken McCarthy

Brian O’Kelly

Nancy Cluck



Brock Hall Art Committee

  • Art collection moved to newly completed Student Union Building in 1969

George Rosenberg (Chairperson, new head of Fine Arts Department)

Alvin Balkind (Curator, Fine Arts Gallery)

Christos Dikeakos

Ardele Lister

Ken McCarthy

Stuart MacKenzie

Lorraine Orrange

Sarah Wellington



Brock Hall Art Committee / SUB Art Committee

Dr. George Knox (Chairperson)

Ann Pollock (Acting Curator of the Fine Arts Gallery)

Tom Becher (Secretary)

Alan Watchorn

Judy Farkas

Rory Forbes

Mark Guignard

William Koropatnik

Hansen Lau (Cultural Activities Coordinator, SUB)

David Lui (Special Events Committee, SUB)

Anne Clarkson (Secretary)



  • Two subcommittees created: SUB Art Gallery Committee (responsible for purchasing artwork) and SUB Art Gallery Programs Committee (responsible for booking shows and maintaining gallery)

  • Shift as AMS representatives now responsible for selecting student representative, rather than non-voting UBC professor

Ken de Rooy (Chairperson)

Brad Collins (Fine Arts Professor)

Doreen Walker (Fine Arts Professor)



SUB Art Gallery Committee

Mary Woodward (Chairperson)

Brad Collins (Fine Arts Professor)

Doreen Walker (Fine Arts Professor)

Melanie Gold (Student)

Lynn Wood (Student)



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Marian Williams (Chairperson / Liaison Officer for AMS Art Gallery Committee until late 1976)

Jean-Francois Guimond (Chairperson / Liaison Officer for AMS Art Gallery Committee starting late 1976)

Maureen Maitland (Secretary-Treasurer)

Margaret R. Annett

Art Phillips

Debra Bricker

Gail Sonne 

Calvin Wu

Winifred Tang

David Yuen

Patricia Copp (Special Project volunteer)

Christine ? [blank for surname] (Special Project volunteer)

Barry McCallum (Special Project volunteer)

Allison Prendergast (Special Project volunteer)

Lesley Stannick (Special Project volunteer)

Art Gallery Purchasing Committee

Lori Lee (Chair)

Diana Tate

Randi Smith

Brad Collins

Doreen Walker



  • Art gallery committees came under the jurisdiction of the newly formed Student Administrative Committee (SAC)

Art Gallery Programs Committee

Linda Wong (Chairperson)

Calvin Wu (Treasurer)

Winifred Tang (Secretary)

Debra Bricker

Jean-Francois Guimond

David McIntyre

Maureen Maitland

Eileen Mosca

Gail Sonne

David Yuen

Lara Glabush

Wendy Belkin

Louise Marler

Michael Reynolds (Special Events)

Olga Savkovic

Nancy Stern

Valarie Batyi (volunteer)

Chuck Fong (volunteer)

Brock Hall Purchasing Committee

Maria House (Chairperson)

Bob Gribling (Secretary)

Susan Stewart (Treasurer)

Teresa Clarke

Laura Cosgrave

Sandra Dent

Marjorie Harris

Hazel Jamison

Jan Koot

Barbara Robinson

Joy Rowell

Wendy Stephenson

Dean Taylor

Doug Worts

Diana Tate

Randi Smith

Lori Lee

Brad Collins

Doreen Walker



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Linda Wong (Chairperson)

Ruby Harada (Vice-Chairperson)

Calvin Wu (Treasurer and Publicity)

Jeanette Orydzuk (Secretary and Publicity)

Irene Halko (Secretary)

Michael Reynolds

Jeanette Orydzuk

Kathy Johnsen

Natalie Hryciuk

Saintfield Wong

Winnifred Tang

Vicky Barr-Thompson

Elana Winsbury

Art Gallery Purchasing Committee 

Alice Foley (Secretary)



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Kathleen McTaggart (Chairperson)

Katherine Johnsen (Signing Officer)

Catherine Wetmore (Secretary)

Betty Wetmore

Natalie Hryciuk

Anna Koeller

Gina Widzinski

Ruby Harada

Linda Wong

Jeanette Orydzuk

Michael Reynolds

Art Gallery Purchasing Committee 

Munir Meghji “and other individuals listed in a letter from Glenn Allison to Bern Grady dated October 13, 1978” (quote from SAC minutes Oct 16, 1978 – did not come across the letter)

Mahmood Khimiji



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Geoffrey B. Woods (SAC Liaison to Committee)

Carol Frank (Chairperson)

E. S. Chambers (Secretary)

Natalie Hyrciuk (Treasurer)

Bernice Bird

Betty Wetmore

Dana White

Deborah Sider

Fran Parent

Georgie King

Grace Murao

Hannah Taimalo

Jennifer Kinloch

Jim Parsons

Karen Ap-Crosby

Karen Yir

Katherine Johnson

Kathleen Laczina

Kathleen McTaggart

Kathy Kenny

Kristina Kumpf

L. Hansen

Leonard M. Perrey (Exhibitions Coordinator)

Melhem Melhem

M. S. McKay

Margo Lea

Marc Pelech

Mary MacGregor

Mayo Moran

Merike Talve

Neville West (Acting Bookings Clerk)

Roger Mathert

Rose Malbert

Wendy Glass

Art Gallery Purchasing Committee

Diane Campbell (Chair unti Jan 1980)

Lynne Marriott (Chair starting Jan 1980)

Edwin Landale

Christine Wong

Leonard Perrey

Bern Grady

Doreen Walker

Ellen Woodsworth



John Pellizzon (SAC Liasison? Or Chairperson?)

Cathy Ord (member of Programs Committee)



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Vanda Sudic

Lynette French

Andreas Kahare

Sandra Haggert



Art Gallery Committee

Maylene Chang (SAC Art Gallery Committee Representative, Committee Chair)

Sandra Hall (Collection Curator)

Cathy Ord (Art Gallery Programs)

Brian McCann (Collection Maintenance)

Debbie Stacey (Art Gallery Program Selection)

Alan Pinkney (AMS Director of Administration) (Secretary)

Robert Lederer (Collection Acquisition) (Treasurer)

Linda Singer (Special Projects Coordinator)

Richard Bartrop

Hagar Tsy

J. P. Antonio 



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Maylene Chang (SAC Art Gallery Representative until Sept 1983)

Susie Gareau (Art Gallery Committee Representative from Sept-Oct 1983)

Ross Pritchard (appointed Art Gallery Committee Commissioner in Oct 1983)

Grant Baker

Rob VanWalleghem (appointed to Art Gallery portfolio [Commissioner?] in March 1984)

Brian McCann

Cathy Ord

Glenna Chestnutt (Acting Chair in Spring/Summer 1984)

Linda Singer (Special Projects Coordinator)



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Geoff Cairns (Chair)

Grant Baker

Allyson Burgess

Martin Cocking 

Neville Grey

Sheila Ross 

Simon Seshandri (Director of Administration)

Glenna Chestnutt (Director of Administration)

Cathy Ord

Brian McCann

Ian Kennard

Abby Lowson [also spelled Abbey Lawson]

Annette Reinhart

Linda Singer



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Geoff Cairns (Chair)

Arthur Barnsley (appointed Art Gallery Commissioner in Dec 1985)

Abby Lowson [also spelled Abbey Lawson] (Treasurer)

Alexis Greenwood (Advertising Director)

Alison Burgess

Jeff Cairns

Joey Schwartzman

Kathy Staples

Neville Grey (Curator)

Nuala Ehlert (Facilities Development Manager) (Special Projects Advisor)

Paul Skutshek (Secretary)

Phyllis Greenwood

Sheila Rose

Sherida Levy

Simon Seshandri

Susan John



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Leanne Jacobs (Chair)

Alexis Greenwood (Treasurer) 

Alison Turner

Andrea Reiger

Angelika Lewicki (Advertising) [also spelled Angelica Lenicki]

Beth McKinnon

Bill Rasmussen

Brenda Watson

Cathie Whitman (Advertising)

Dan Planko

David Curtis

Davide Pan

Jeff Pelter

Jeffrey Swartz

Joey Schwartzman

John Durno

Mark Leckie

Matthew Versteeg

Nuala Ehlert (Facilities Development Manager)

Pam MacCay

Pat Lowry (Advertising)

Peter Schneider

Rhonda Olson

Roger Carvalheiro (Secretary)

Sarah Mair

Scott Gordon

Shamsah Mohamed

Sian Pairaudeau

Tom Kero

Tom McAulay



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Sarah Mair (Chair and Curator 1987-88)

Richard Bailey (SAC Art Gallery Commissioner 1987-88)

Roger Carvalheiro (Secretary)

Alexis Greenwood

Alison Turner

Amir Ali Alibhai

Beth McKinnon

Brad McTavish 

Brenda Watson

Carolyn Beraraino

Cathie Whitman

Christina Shea

Darminder Mann

Dave Harding

David Curtis 

Davide Pan 

Dan Planko [Don? Dave? Spelling varies]

Janice Sheenhan

Joey Schwartzman

Julia Smith

Karen Tong

Leanne Jacobs

Mark Classen

Matthew Versteeg

Nancy Campbell

Negin Khoshkhesal

Nuala Ehlert (Facilities Development Manager)

Peter Schneider

Sarah Chilvers

Sian Pairandeau

Tom McAulay

Tony Grant

Trevor Smith



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Mark Classen (SAC Art Gallery Commissioner)

Colleen Scott (Secretary)

Alan Woo

Amir Ali Alibhai

Arlene Kofol

Bianca Brunner

Dan Planko

Fiona Bowie

Gabriela Pechlaner

Jane Barry (Facilities Development Manager)

Jeanne South

Julia Smith

Kev Madill

Kristin Hill

Leslie Minion

Maureen Wong

Michael (Mike) Savage

Remko Breuker (Technician)

Sarah Mair

Trevor Smith

Yvonne Yu



Art Gallery Programs Committee

Thrasso Petras (Chair)

Mark Elliot (Treasurer)

Lynn Chick (Curator)

Remko Breuker (Special Projects Coordinator)

Michael (Mike) Clarke (Advertising Coordinator)

Simon Lee (Programs Coordinator)

Jane Barry (Facilities Development Manager)

Sally-Ann Lee (Contributing Member)

Marcello Lioy (Contributing Member)

Colleen Scott

Kelly Lynn Gryschuk

Mark Classen

Melissa Picher

Roma Gopaul-Smith

Sarah Mair

Todd Sherman

Trevor Smith

Vickie Tsang



Art Gallery Committee

Thrasso Petras (Chair until March 1990)

Sally-Ann Lee (Chair starting March 1990)

Iain Hiscoe

Ilona Hay

Jane Barry (Facilities Development Manager)

Leanna Lum

Leslie Kanerva (Facilities Development Manager)

Lynn Chick

Marcello Lioy

Mark Elliot

Michael (Mike) Clarke

Remko Breuker

Simon Lee

Simon Lee

Terry Tremayne



Art Gallery Committee

Sally-Ann Lee (Chair)

Pauline Ahoy (Chair) 

Anne Guillo

Caireen Hanert

Don Hitchen

Glenn Kruger

Ian Hiscoe 

Kevin Paetkav 

Kristen Smith

Leanna Lum

Leslie Kanerva

Marcello Lioy

Remko Breuker

Terry Tremayne

Thrasso Petras

Tim Lo

Willem Maas



Art Gallery Committee

Pauline Ahoy (Chair until mid-January 1992)

Caireen Hanert (Chair from Jan-Feb 1992)

Peri Smith (Chair starting Feb/March 1992)

Anne Guillo

Glenn Kruger

Grant Rhodes (Art Gallery Commissioner??)

Jey Horning

Jill Baird

Kevin Paetkav (Curator)

Leslie Kanerva (Facilities Development Manager)

Michelle Brock

Sally-Ann Lee

Werner Friesen

Willem Maas



Art Gallery Committee

Peri Smith (Chair)

Kevin Paetkav (Curator)

Leslie Kanerva (Facilities Development Manager)

Jey Horning

Jill Baird

Kathleen Hatchel 

Mark Holden 

Werner Friesen



Art Gallery Committee

Ruta Fluxgold (Chair)

Lily Chan

Mari Swingle

Carrie Gratland

Cathy Tang

Leslie Kanerva (Facilities Development Manager)

Brent Kushnir (Proxy for Leslie Kanerva)



No art gallery committee minutes found in SAC Document books or Art Collection box



Karen Tan (SAC Art Gallery Commissioner/Chairperson)

Michael Swan (AMS Art Gallery Commissioner)

Jennie Chen (AMS Director of Administration)



No art gallery committee minutes found in SAC Document books or Art Collection box


No art gallery committee minutes found in SAC Document books or Art Collection box



Sachio Shigita (SAC Art Gallery Commissioner)



Stephanie McKernan (SAC Art Gallery Commissioner)

Dan ? (Curator)

Jenny ? (Promotions Coordinator)

EE-Seul ? (Exhibit Coordinator)

Jane ?


[meeting minutes only include first names of attendees] 



Stephanie McKernan (SAC Art Gallery Commissioner)



Siobhan O’Meara (AMS Art Gallery Commissioner)

Jane Barry (Facilities Development Manager

Skye ?


Joanna ?

Thomas ?

[meeting minutes only include first names of attendees]



Joanna Cheung (AMS Art Gallery Commissioner, 2003-2004)



Liz Park (Art Gallery Commissioner, 2004-2005)

Jane Barry (Facilities Development Manager)

Manj Sidhu (SAC VP Admin, former SAC Secretary) – helped recruit volunteers

Brad Harris (Volunteer)

Sharon Wong (Volunteer)

Gary Wong (Volunteer)

Carson Wong (Volunteer)

Elisa Tjin (Volunteer)

Samantha Wong (Volunteer)

Jackie Stickney (Volunteer)

Kat ? [no last name listed] (Volunteer)



Aliyah Shamsher (Art Gallery Commissioner 2005-2008)

Frieda Luk (Programs Coordinator)

Jackie Connelly (Promotion Coordinator)

Victoria Comer (Promotion Coordinator)

Samantha Wong (Promotion Coordinator)

Sayaka ? (Promotion Coordinator)

Louise ? (Promotion Coordinator)

Ellie ? (Promotion Coordinator)

Alicia Munro (Facilities Coordinator)



Aliyah Shamsher (Art Gallery Commissioner 2005-2008)

Jordana Hovis (Intern)

Peter Clark (Intern)

Jane Barry (Facilities Development Manager)



Aliyah Shamsher (Art Gallery Commissioner 2005-2008)



Billy Smith (Art Gallery Commissioner)



Jeremy Jaud (AMS Art Gallery Commissioner)



Kate Barbaria (AMS Art Gallery Commissioner)



Mo Salemy (AMS Art Gallery Commissioner)



Kathleen Handfield (AMS Art Gallery Commissioner)

Diana Zapata (Art Gallery volunteer)



Joshua Boker (Art Gallery Commissioner)

Vanessa Grondin (Promotions Coordinator)



Joshua Bokor (AMS Art Galley Commissioner)


2015-2016: *First year in the New Nest Building (The Hatch Art Gallery)

Gillian Anselmo (Art Gallery Commissioner)



Micaela Kwiatkowski (Hatch Art Gallery Director) 

Chanel Blouin (Hatch Art Gallery Assistant Director)



Simranpreet Anand (Hatch Art Gallery Director)

Mary Buckland (Hatch Art Gallery Assistant Director)



Maxim Greer (Hatch Art Gallery Director)

Leo Cocar (Hatch Art Gallery Assistant Director)


Kiel Torres (Hatch Art Gallery Director)

Yasmine Whaley-Kalaora (Hatch Art Gallery Assistant Director)



Reiko Inouye  (Hatch Art Gallery Director)

James Albers (Hatch Art Gallery Assistant Director)

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